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Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2023

Sep 30th 2024 | Power Oil Center

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2023

As Spring and Summer approach and people in many areas are getting back to normal, a fun thing to do with a lot of options is a motorcycle rally. US motorcycle rallies come in many different flavors, from bike weeks to bike shows, to adult biker motorcycle rallies. Let's look at some of the upcoming motorcycle rallies for 2023 in different parts of the country.


Arizona Bike Week is scheduled to take place from March 29th through April 2nd in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is a growing event with each year promising more events and attractions. The special event site has plentiful RV and tent campgrounds for whatever you prefer. And, with almost 150 hotels in the area, there are other options for accommodations as well.

Hundreds of vendors, dealers, and builders will be present, and the event has a little something for everyone with stunt shows, bike shows, live entertainment, and nightly concerts.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Arizona Bike Week photo courtesy of Phoenix New Times copyrightDe Amor Photography

The Bullhead River Run will be held from April 26th to April 29th in Bullhead River, Nevada, which is not that far from Arizona. This short bike rally offers a charity poker run, a custom bike show, and plenty of live entertainment. Room packages are available from nearby hotels.


The 2023 Myrtle Beach Spring Rally will be held between May 12th and May 21st, so this is one of the longest and best motorcycle rallies in South Carolina with some of the best rides over 60 miles of white sandy beaches.

You don't have to stay all ten days to get in on the fun though. All bikes and people are welcome to drop in to enjoy vendors, bike tours, treasure hunts, stunt shows, local attractions, and much more.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Myrtle Beach Spring Rally photo copyright The Sun News

The Aspen Cash Motorcycle Rally will be held from May 18th through May 21st in Ruidoso, New Mexico. The rally is located at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino, and pre-registration includes admittance to the Trade Show.


The Americade rally is one of the biggest motorcycle rallies in the US and attracts over 50,000 people every year. This rally is located in Lake George, New York, and includes a very long list of events and attractions for each day from May 30th to June 4th. Attendees can get involved in anything at the rally, including demo rides, poker runs, boat cruises, comedy shows, and much more.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Americade Rally photo copyright The Daily Gazette

June is a hot month for rallies and the Harley Rendezvous Classic is another popular one held in Pattersonville, New York between June 22nd and June 25th.

The main event here is at the campgrounds, but there's also a vendor area on the cement landing and the Watering Hole Bar where you can watch TV and have a few drinks. This is more of an adult bike rally versus some of the others mentioned here.


The Kentucky Bike Rally will be held from July 12th and July 16th this year in Sturgis, Kentucky. This bike rally is another adults-only bike rally and features a packed weekend of entertainment, drag races, indoor bike games, contests, vendors, poker runs, and much more.

Registration prices depend on how you enter the rally. For example, regular tent camping is free, but RVs with a trailer are $75, plus the regular registration fee.

The Boogie ABATE is held between July 20th and July 23rd this year in Springville, Indiana. Both ABATE and non-ABATE members are welcome. This rally features a scenic ride, a contest to win a new Harley, a motorcycle swap meet, and a ride-in bike show among other attractions.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Boogie ABATE photo copyright Times-Mail.

For something a little different, the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days are held between July 21st and July 23rd at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio. The rally focuses strongly on vintage bikes and will feature various bike shows, seminars, the largest bike swap meet in the country, and several different motorcycle races.


The 82nd annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally takes place August 4th to 13th in Sturgis South Dakota. It’s billed as “10 days and nights of riding, food, and music.” Over 500,000 bikers make their way to Sturgis every year making it one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the United States. Concert fanatics and those that enjoy a variety of dining options from food trucks will also be very happy they attended.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Photo courtesy of Minot Air Force Base

The Veterans Rally & Festival will be held between August 18th and August 19th. This is the longest-running Colorado bike event in the state and is aimed toward saluting American veterans. Organizers say that this rally isn't just your average bike rally, but primarily a celebration of American veterans.

Events and attractions will include POW/MIA remembrance ceremonies, aircraft flyovers, a veterans poker run, a veteran’s parade, some types of low-stakes gambling, live music, and plenty of street vendors.

Motorcycle Rallies for Spring and Summer 2022

Cripple Creek Rally photo copyright Pro Promotions & The Gazette

At the end of August comes the Dream Ride held between August 25th and August 27th in Farmington, Connecticut. This is another rally for a cause and the cause is the Special Olympics.

This rally celebrates the achievements of Special Olympics athletes and features both motorcycle and car enthusiasts getting together to celebrate the cause. Attractions here include a pet adoption center, live entertainment, plenty of delicious food, vendors, raffles, family fun, and much more.

If you're planning to attend any motorcycle rallies in 2023 with your bike, make sure to get it ready to roll with motorcycle oil change kits by Power Oil Center. A motorcycle oil change kit from Power Oil Center has everything you need to perform a DIY oil change in your driveway or garage.

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