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How Much Is an Oil Change? - Questions and Answers

Sep 30th 2024 | Power Oil Center

How Much Is an Oil Change? - Questions and Answers

When it’s time to change the oil in your vehicle, there are plenty of options to compare. Prices can range significantly based on the type and quality of oil, among other factors.

Synthetic oil is your best option for your next oil change. It will protect your engine better than conventional oil, and last longer. You may pay a small amount more up front, but you’ll offset that with the amount of time between oil changes. To learn more about the benefits of synthetic engine oils check out this post about Synthetic Oil vs Mineral Oil.

You can consider a conventional/synthetic blend that provides many of the benefits of synthetic oil at a price that’s more affordable than a purely synthetic oil change. To know what’s best for your vehicle, check the owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s web site.

How Much is an Oil Change

It is also recommended to read the reviews of the oil change franchises. One thing to know is that when you see an advertised price, it is not necessarily the price you will pay for your oil change.

Here are just a few examples of comments regarding that topic from a few reviews we found…

“Synthetic oil change advertised. For $79.99 plus tax minus $20.00 coupon. But when you go to pick your car up, they come up with a bill of around $110.00.”

“I expected to pay the advertised price of 54.99 plus tax, and as other reviewers have mentioned the price went up when I was at the location. I ended up paying $103. When questioned as to why it’s because my car being German uses more expensive parts.”

“Oil change notes on the website as $74.99 and provides a coupon for $20 off. So you go there expecting a $54.99 oil change. Oil change actually was charged as $102.19! When I questioned it I was told that the oil they used was extra and the website was referring to a "regular" oil change.”

To provide you with a quick resource for comparison here is pricing information from a variety of companies listed in alphabetical order. As another option, you can get everything you need in our quality oil change kits.

Price comparison chart of the most popular oil change companies:

FirestoneSynthetic blend $24.99 and up. Full synthetic $49.99 and up
Grease MonkeyConventional oil $30 and up. Synthetic $80 and up.
Jiffy LubeConventional oil $27.98 to $44.99. Synthetic blend $45.98 to $66.98. Synthetic $66.98 to $86.98.
Pep BoysMobil 1 synthetic $84.99. Pennzoil synthetic $79.99.
Take 5Conventional $37 and up. Synthetic blend $58. Full synthetic $75 and up.
Tires Plus$27.99 and up
DealershipBetween $40 and $120
ValvolineConventional $39.99 and up. Synthetic blend $59.99 and up. Synthetic $89.99 and up.
WalmartConventional $29.88 and up, semi-synthetic $35.88 and up. Full synthetic $44.88 and up.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Firestone?

Oil changes at Firestone start at $24.99 for a synthetic blend and go up from there, depending upon the service package chosen and the oil type used. For high mileage, you’ll pay $34.99 and for full synthetic, the cost is $49.99.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Grease Monkey?

At Grease Monkey, you can get a conventional oil change for $30 and a synthetic one for $80.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Jiffy Lube?

A conventional oil change at Jiffy Lube can range from $27.98 to $44.99 while a high mileage/synthetic blend change is priced between $45.98 to $66.98. A full synthetic oil change will cost you between $66.98 to $86.98.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Pep Boys?

Pep Boys lists a price of $84.99 for a Mobil 1 synthetic oil change and offer a Pennzoil synthetic oil change for $79.99.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Take 5?

At Take 5, oil change prices range from $37 for a conventional oil change to $80 for a Mobil 1 full synthetic oil change. Options in between include a high mileage oil change for $55; a synthetic blend change for $58; and a Castrol full synthetic oil change for $75.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Tires Plus?

A basic oil change at Tires Plus is currently on special for $27.99. As with any special pricing, costs can go up once the discount period ends.

How Much Is an Oil Change at a Dealership?

Oil changes at a Toyota dealer will cost between $40 and $120. Different dealerships can offer different pricing and may offer a discount if you purchased your vehicle at that dealership.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Valvoline?

The price for a premium conventional oil change is $39.99; $44.99 for NextGen conventional oil change; $59.99 for a Maxlife synthetic blend change; and $89.99 for a NextGen Maxlife full synthetic or Synpower synthetic oil change.

How Much Is an Oil Change at Walmart?

At Walmart, a standard oil change costs $29.88 with a high mileage option and one using semi-synthetic oil priced at $35.88. A full synthetic oil change costs $44.88.

Who Has the Cheapest Oil Change?

Although this article provides information from a variety of companies that offer oil change services, it’s not a comprehensive list. When looking at the options described here, several of them has a baseline conventional oil change that starts around $30, including Firestone, Jiffy Lube, Tires Plus, and Walmart.

Order Your Oil Changing Kit

The prices listed are baseline ones for each of the services offered by these companies. Added costs may come in if you need to upgrade the quality or quantity of oil and some companies may focus on upselling you on other services when you may only need an oil and filter change.

How Much is an Oil Change

To change your oil in the convenience of your own garage or driveway, we offer an oil change kit that contains exactly what you need. Each oil change kit contains the right number of quarts of oil, a high-quality filter, a disposable funnel, and a crush washer. Our full synthetic oil change kits start at $42.99.

When you use our oil change kits, you don’t need to make an appointment at a shop or wait in line at a first-come, first-served center. This saves you time. Plus, you’re doing it all yourself, and you don’t have to pay a dime for service.

Just pick up an oil change kit from Power Oil Center or have any order over $25 shipped quickly and directly to you for free. The oil change kit also includes a sticker so that you can record the date/mileage for your next change.

Oil change kits are available for cars, trucks, ATVs, UTVs, boats, and motorcycles in a wide range of popular makes: Ford, Honda, Toyota, Kubota, Kawasaki, and more. So, for maximum protection and performance, shop with Power Oil Center today.

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