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DIY Oil Change Questions & Answers

Sep 30th 2024 | Power Oil Center

DIY Oil Change Questions & Answers

So, you’ve decided to change your own oil but have questions about the process. Fortunately, we’ve got the answers! It’s important to check your owner’s manual to get specific information about your vehicle.

How Long Does It Take to Change Your Own Oil?

After you’ve got just a bit of experience, it should take about 15 minutes.

What Supplies Do You Need for an Oil Change?

First, it’s important to assemble everything you need ahead of time. When you order an oil change kit, you can count on having the right items. Power Oil Center does painstaking research to create each kit. Our oil change kits contain the appropriate amount of oil, an oil filter, a crush washer, a funnel, and a window sticker to indicate when it’s time to change your oil again.

Also make sure that you have the tools and supplies you need, including rags, latex gloves, safety glasses, and the appropriate wrenches (socket wrench and oil filter wrench). You’ll want to have a drip mat (use an old box if you don’t have a drip mat) and drain pan handy, and you may need a ramp/jack. Don’t use the basic jack that comes with your car. Those are intended for a quick use.

DIY Oil Change Questions

How Much Oil Do I Need for an Oil Change?

Typically, you need four to five quarts. Our vehicle-specific oil change kits will have the appropriate amount.

How to Change Your Oil

The good news is that Power Oil Center has videos that demonstrate how to use the appropriate oil changing kit. In general, here are steps:

  • Put the drain pan beneath the drain plug and then loosen the plug.
  • Remove the plug, clean it, and inspect it for damage, including stripping.
  • Let the oil drain out.
  • Put a new crush washer on the drain plug.
  • Place it properly, tightening it without overtightening.
  • Change the oil filter (more about that later in this post).
  • Confirm that the oil filter and drain plug are properly placed and tightened.
  • Add new engine oil, using a funnel to reduce spillage.
  • Replace the oil cap.
  • Run the engine for 30 seconds, then check for leaks.
  • Verify the oil level with your dipstick.
  • Put the right information on the window sticker and place it on the windshield.

DIY Oil Change Questions

How to Reset Your Oil Change Light

Each car or truck can have a different process, so check your owner’s manual.

  • In general, you would partially turn the key in the ignition (without starting the engine).
  • Find the reset button, most likely on the dashboard by your fuel gauge/speedometer. (It’s possible that it’s under the hood.)
  • Hold the button down. You’ll notice that the oil icon will begin to flash, or lights will otherwise indicate that the light is being reset.
  • Turn the ignition off.
  • When you re-start the engine, the oil light should be off. If not, try again.

If this procedure doesn’t work, double-check your owner’s manual to make sure there isn’t another step to take. Or contact the manufacturer for more information.

How to Change Your Oil Filter

After you’ve drained the oil, you’ll want to put your drain pan so that it’s under the oil filter. Use an oil filter wrench to remove the filter. Let any remaining oil drain into the pan.

Pick up your new filter and put a dab of oil on the O-ring to maximize the seal. You’ll need to tighten the filter, following instructions in your owner’s manual.

DIY Oil Change Questions

How Often to Change Your Oil Filter

We include a filter in each do it yourself oil change kit, so you can replace it every time. Some owner’s manuals recommend changing it at least every other oil change.

What to Do with Oil After Oil Change

After you use our oil change DIY kit, just about everything can be tossed out—that is, except for the old oil and filter (the latter because it will hold onto some of the old oil). Most communities have a location where you can drop off hazardous waste, which should include the oil and filter. You can usually find the best place online or by calling your local government. We cover this topic more thoroughly in our article Used Oil Disposal: What to Do With Your Oil After a DIY Oil Change.

DIY Oil Change Questions

Power Oil Center

Find exactly what you need for your vehicle in the appropriate DIY oil change kit by Power Oil Center. We’ve been working with engines and the fluids they need for more than 80 years. Our team is passionate about studying oil and what will lubricate your engine in optimal ways.

DIY Oil Change Questions

Some of our customers have also been working on engines for years while others are new to changing their own oil. Either way, you can count on us. We’ll provide you with the trusted products and information you need to maintain your vehicle.

Questions? Just contact us online or call 888-285-8117 and we’ll provide you with the answers you need. We’re here to help you!

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